Thursday, December 16, 2010

Time: Has It Had Its Time?

It was reported that Time Magazine's Person of the Year, 2010 would be Julian Assange who had a significant lead in the online public polls, however it looks like Time has been swayed by either thoughts of US Government harassment or actual US Government coersion - we'll never know for sure and have instead promoted Mr I Don't Care About Your Privacy (aka Mark Zuckerberg) as this year's "Person".

So, Time has decided to promote invasion of and disregard for personal privacy over a journalist who facilitated the release of a lot of "down and dirty" US (and other) Government secrets to the public - this same public who not only vote for them, but who *fund* them.

Has Time Magazine had it's time?  Is it becoming just another muse of the US Government, like Sweden now is?


The Outspoken Wookie

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