Saturday, April 19, 2014

Jesus never said "Fiddle with the little children"

It seems to me that in this time of retrospection for the church (it is the Easter period for the christian church, which was, admittedly, like much of their religion, borrowed from pagan and other traditions that existed before christianity did - after all, Easter was not celebrated until the catholic church, around 155AD, decided to take on the Asherah celebrations as their Easter celebrations) that maybe, just maybe, they could take a look at how they behave - from an outsider's perspective - and learn a thing or two.

Now, not only is the catholic church suffering because of its institutionalized support for pederast priests and ensuring victims of the church are unable to claim compensation, but here in Australia, the Salvation Army is being brought under the spotlight thanks to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse.  We've had Commissioner James Condon (then a Captain) make the claim that he and Lt Colonel James Haggar (then Major (from memory)) went to the police to report Haggar's sexual abuse of an 8 year old girl in 1989, however the Police have no records that this report was made - they have no records of questions to the Salvation Army officers, nor to the family of the girl in question, nor to the victim herself.

And to add insult to injury, it appears that Haggar's wife has sent a "personal Facebook email" to the woman (the Salvation Army's Captain Michelle White) who was the whistle blower on James Haggar, accusing her of causing "devastation and incredible pain to many innocent people" through her actions.  Poor Kerry Haggar seems unable to tell the difference between reporting a pedophile who is actively working as a minister and the damage this pedophile (and others like him) have done to the children they have raped.

Now, we've got Salvation Army Major Peter Farthing, who supported Haggar's application for a Blue Card in 2002 by not revealing the 1989 pedophilia incident.  This same guy, who counseled Haggar for 18 months after he was dismissed in 1990 for the sexual assault, has now claimed to The Royal Commission that he doesn't consider Haggar a pedophile.  Haggar was re-hired by the Salvation Army in 1993 as an Officer.  Of course, after he was hired Haggar and his wife continued to live in Salvation Army accomodation and Haggar worked in a hostel for adolescent boys.

That's right, apparently "fingering" an 8 year old girl (and the girl reported this happening another 2 times later on) is not considered pedophilia to the Salvation Army - at least not when the perpetrator was one of their own Officers.  How utterly revolting.

When will people wake up and realise that the way the church views its own moral stance is not the way that general society views it?  General society has a much higher moral stance than the church does today - and the church is supposed to be representing their god who is claimed to have created all things.  If this is how their god shows his love - by having his trusted representatives rape the children brought unto them - then that god is disgusting and unworthy of love, honor, respect nor worship.

Have a read of the Australian, the Australian (again), the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Telegraph (again), SMH, SMH (again), Derryn Hinch and particularly Lewis Blayse (amongst others) for more information on how the Salvation Army is handling the situation arising from Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse.  It is far from good.


The Outspoken Wookie

1 comment:

Gregory said...

The Salvos response just shows how hard they are trying to minimise the damage that sexual abuse will cause their brand. It is a disgusting attitude and another reason that I will never give to them for any reason.